Retroshare symbol
Windows logo

Windows XP / Vista / 7

Links: Retroshare-0.6.1-Qt4 Installer, Retroshare-0.6.1-Qt5 Installer

The installers for Windows contains the portable and normal install, and plugins.

Checksums: checksum.txt

Apple logo


RetroShare is currently available for MacOS (v0.6.0 only, on Sept 3, 2016. 0.6.1 coming soon!)

Link: RetroShare_v0.6.0.dmg

Checksums: checksum.txt

Ubuntu logo


Retroshare is currently available on all Ubuntu distributions up to Xenial (16.04).

To install Retroshare on ubuntu, please use one of the following two PPA repositories:

Stable: retroshare stable

Regular development releases: retroshare unstable

Development releases are always tested and therefore reasonnably safe to use. They happen irregularly, with an average of 2 weeks between updates.

# for Retroshare releases only
   sudo add-apt-repository ppa:retroshare/stable
# for Retroshare development snapshots
   sudo add-apt-repository ppa:retroshare/unstable
# then
   sudo apt-get update
   sudo apt-get install retroshare06

Since v0.6 and v0.5 networks are incompatible, we made sure that both versions can run simultaneously (hence the different package name for v0.6).

Packages for Ubuntu compatible for the Raspberry Pi are also available on GitHub

Debian logo


Retroshare is currently available on Debian Stretch for i386 and amd64 architectures.

You can download packages from: Debian packages

Stable and Nightly Builds are also available here:

Stable: retroshare

Nightly Builds: retroshare-unstable

To receive RetroShare via your package manager, you can add the repository to your sources.

# for Retroshare releases only
   sudo sh -c "echo 'deb /' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/retroshare06.list"
# for Retroshare nightly builds
   sudo sh -c "echo 'deb /' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/retroshare06-git.list"
# then
   sudo apt-get update
   sudo apt-get install retroshare06
Tar.gz logo

Source Tarballs

Link: RetroShare-0.6.1.tar.gz checksums

Development Snapshots from GitHub: .tar.gz .zip

Mirror at GitLab: .tar.gz .zip .tar.bz2 .tar

Unofficial packages

Retroshare is currently available on FreeBSD via the ports system.

Link: freshports

Retroshare is currently available in Arch User Repository.

Stable: Arch User Repository

Nightly Builds: Arch User Repository

RetroShare Packages for Arch are also available on openSUSE Build Service

Stable: OBS Stable

Nightly Builds: OBS Nightly

Retroshare is currently available on openSUSE.

Install stable release via: Yast oneclick logo


openSUSE 13.2 Harlequin v0.6.0 32bit   v0.6.0 64bit

openSUSE Leap 42.1 Malachite v0.6.1 64bit   

openSUSE Tumbleweed / Factory Rolling Release v0.6.1 armv7hl   

Download binary or add Repository manually:

Stable release    Nightly snapshot

Retroshare is currently available on Fedora 23 and 24.

Stable: OBS Stable

Nightly Builds: OBS Nightly

Retroshare is currently available on Raspberry Pi.

Retroshare is currently available on CentOs.

Stable: OBS Stable

Nightly Builds: OBS Nightly

Retroshare is currently available on Mageia.

Link: Mageia

The ebuilds are available here .